Ultradata is providing the following information to assist our Clients with the end of financial year processing requirements. 

End of financial year statements

As in previous years we have developed an end of financial year processing guide which you can access here should you require.

In addition to this, we have compiled the relevant ‘Statement User Manual’s’ for Clients running Ultracs 3 to Ultracs 5.1 which may also prove to be useful.

These cover the full system procedures and details including the various parameters and settings that can be used for both flat-file and print file production. This is especially useful in clarifying how items such as ‘Interest Earned and Paid’ can best be handled.

These user manuals can be accessed below:

Annual Investment Income Report (AIR)

For reporting for the 2023 - 2024 financial year, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has confirmed that organisations may use the AIIR v10 format which is currently installed at the majority of Ultradata Client sites.

Support contact details 

A reminder that you can lodge support calls via the online Support Portal or you can email us at support@ultradata.com.au or call us directly at 1300 367 007.