

Pending authorisation requests

Ultracs App 2 latest release improves the display of ‘pending authorisation’ payment requests. Currently, pending authorisation requests are displayed in the order of the next payments rather than based on the date they were loaded.

Pending authorisation requests will now display requests on the date they were loaded e.g. authorisation requests submitted today will fall under the ‘today’ category even if the first payment is pre-scheduled weeks in advance, providing a more logical and user-friendly display for users.


BPAY Osko reference change mandate

To help New Payments Platform (NPP) participating financial institutions comply with an Osko requirement, the latest release implements a change to the fields for Osko payments which now include the ‘reference’ field for all Osko payments.

The reference field is an optional text field where customers can include formal information related to their payment, such as an invoice or reference number. As of 1 October 2020 the reference field became an obligation for all financial institutions that offer Osko.

This has been limited to payments initiated from business accounts. To accommodate the requirement, a payee description field has been renamed ‘reference’ and included in all individual payments also.


Payment workflows

The App’s payment workflows have been updated to reflect any pay type restrictions that may apply. For better clarity and accurate workflows, certain, or even all, payment options will not display if they are restricted for the customer such as BPAY or the NPP, making a more user-friendly workflow experience.



One-Time Password Push Notifications

One-Time Passwords (OTPs) can be delivered as push notifications within the App for customer authentication and added banking security.



Previously customers’ OTPs could only be sent via an SMS message or security token. Now the OTP will display in the message and can be viewed on the user’s lock screen (if configured within their settings) for easy and fast messaging service.

App operation

 Ultracs authentication

To support the deployment of the Ultracs Forms based solutions, such as account opening and other authenticated customer journeys such as the Open Banking data sharing dashboard, Ultracs App 2 latest release includes the ability for the App to pass user authentication to Ultracs Forms and other designated secure end points.

An authenticated user can be passed seamlessly from the App to a secure end point, and back to the App using a standard token mechanism. This means you can meet your customer authentication requirements while creating a fast and seamless customer journey.

 Expanded analytics integration with Firebase

Ultracs App 2 latest release expands analytics integration for heightened user behaviour and data insights using Google’s Firebase analytics to effectively track App-based activity. User insights gained from this data can be used to identify opportunities to improve your campaigns, application workflows and App performance.

This capability requires Firebase setup and configuration of custom events within Firebase.



Jailbroken device detection and block

For extra security, users will be warned and blocked if they attempt to use the App on a jailbroken device. To protect your institution and the customer, the customer is presented with a warning message and the App will not run.

The warning messages for iOS and Android are configurable in the standard manner through the translation dictionary.

If configured in settings, the App can operate on jailbroken devices, but this brings with it extra risk and is not the recommended.

UX and UI


Add labels to all toggles

Labels have been enabled for; transaction settings, transaction notifications, address details.


Improved presentation of system generated error messages

Messages will be presented as a styled ‘action sheet’ for;

  • No connection – please check your wifi or network and try again.
  • Ultracs App 2 latest release currently unavailable – we’re trying to solve this as quickly as possible. We’re sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.


Improved styling of ‘Please wait’ spinners

Ultracs App 2 latest release establishes a uniform, high-quality approach to spinners that can be deployed across the app and used on both iOS and Android platforms. A coloured circular animation loading spinner is used on a number of screens to signify page content is loading with the words ‘Please wait...’ above.
Loading spinners are used in the following locations;

  • Accounts
  • Pay anyone
  • Pull to refresh - accounts summary, accounts, and secure messages.

The latest release also introduces full screen spinners triggered in the following locations;

  • Viewing secure messages
  • New payee validation
  • Manage PayID loading
  • Registration screen spinner after customer details are added
  • Between pay summary and receipt



Address and contact details

Field validation is added to the address and contact details screens of the App to confirm correct data is stored in the your Ultracs core banking system (for clients on Ultracs 5.0).

The following visual in-screen validation indicators have been added:

  • Acceptable: green tick next to the field
  • Unacceptable: warning message is shown under the field and the field is highlighted in red


Improved UI of selection lists

Ultracs App 2 latest release improves the user experience when a user taps on one of the selection lists and circle button. UI improvements include keeping the circle button colour change to dark blue, changing the icon to a tick when it is active and highlighting the whole cell with a highlight colour when it is active.

Like to know more?

Call us and ask our Client Engagement team for a detailed Ultracs App 2 latest release product brochure, and unlock opportunities to engage with new and existing customers.

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