Pending authorisation requests

Ultracs App 2 latest release improves the display of ‘pending authorisation’ payment requests. Currently, pending authorisation requests are displayed in the order of the next payments rather than based on the date they were loaded.

Pending authorisation requests will now display requests on the date they were loaded e.g. authorisation requests submitted today will fall under the ‘today’ category even if the first payment is pre-scheduled weeks in advance, providing a more logical and user-friendly display for users.

BPAY Osko reference change mandate

To help New Payments Platform (NPP) participating financial institutions comply with an Osko requirement, the latest release implements a change to the fields for Osko payments which now include the ‘reference’ field for all Osko payments.

Payment workflows

The App’s payment workflows have been updated to reflect any pay type restrictions that may apply. For better clarity and accurate workflows, certain, or even all, payment options will not display if they are restricted for the customer such as BPAY or the NPP, making a more user-friendly workflow experience.